Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism
at Brandeis University
i n v e s t i g a t i o n s
National & Global Sister Marches
Women's March

Austin by the numbers: While Texas is a red state, voters in the state capital tend to vote blue. In November 2016, 66% of Travis County voters checked the box for Hillary Clinton, while 27% went for Donald Trump.

When Donald Trump interjected "Such a nasty woman" about Hillary Clinton during the second debate, he probably didn’t foresee how popular the “Nasty Woman” theme would become for women like this marcher in Austin, Texas.

Protesters in front of the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv carried a sign in Hebrew that means, "When the government opposes the people."

Austin by the numbers: While Texas is a red state, voters in the state capital tend to vote blue. In November 2016, 66% of Travis County voters checked the box for Hillary Clinton, while 27% went for Donald Trump.